Steamed Rice

Making the prefect Steamed Rice every time isn't easy. Use this easy to follow recipe to prepare steamed rice, and you'll never have that problem again! This recipe serves 4.


You will need:
  • 2 cups rice, long grain
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 1/8 cup butter


    *Preparation Tip: Some people prefer to rinse rice several times before cooking to remove excess starch.

  1. Bring rice, salt and water to a full boil, only stirring once. Let rice boil 15 to 20 minutes.

  2. *Preparation Tip: If you stir rice more than once, you will get a milky texture.

  3. Remove from heat. Drain rice in colander and rinse in warm water, being cautious of steam.
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  5. Melt butter in same pot.

  6. Add 1 cup warm water and rice to pot. Stir well.

  7. Place lid firmly on pot to keep steam in, and cook on low heat 10 minutes.

  8. Turn off heat, but keep covered! Allow steam to cook rice for another 5 minutes.

  9. Remove lid, fluff with fork and serve.
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